Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2024
The regular meeting of Buncombe Public Water District was called to order on December 11, 2024 at 6:10 p.m. at the District’s office located at 79 Wiley Ln, Makanda, Illinois.
Call to Order
Trustees Present: Hughey; Brewer; Dickson; Heern; Fiorino; Howell
Trustees Absent: Lamb
Also Present: Richard Howell; Robbie Baker; Sage Lintner; and Michael R. Twomey.
Chairman Hughey conducted the meeting.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 13, 2024 was made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Heern. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Visitor, Customer, and Public Comments
A. Robbie Baker:
Robbie Baker was present to dispute the requirement of separate metering systems in his apartments. He stated that he believes he is exempt since the apartments were there before water was supplied and that he shouldn’t have to follow guidelines.
Trustee Howell stated that this is a safety issue and that the District needs to follow its ordinances.
Chairman Hughey stated that the Environmental Protection Agency leaves it up to the District to enforce their ordinances.
Mr. Baker stated that he could not afford to install the meters.
It was stated to Mr. Baker that the Board would discuss.
The Environmental Protection Agency makes the rules and the District enforces. Board decision made to send a letter to Mr. Baker that includes meeting minutes from the 80’s and copies of the ordinances.
Old Business
A. None.
New Business
A. ECWAG Project:
Engineer Howell reported to the Board that one bid was received. S&W Line Contracting submitted a bid of $98,995.00. This was above the estimate of $86,000.00. Horner Schifrin recommends awarding the bid to S&W Line Contracting in the amount of $98,995.00.
He noted that all the easements have been prepared and will be submitted to Attorney Twomey for review. The IDOT permit is in hand. The EPA permit should be here by the end of January and he would anticipate beginning in March.
MOTION TO AWARD BID TO S&W LINE CONTRACTING FOR $98,995.00 was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion pass with all Trustees voting aye.
MOTION TO REQUEST FUNDS FROM RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,200.00 was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
MOTION TO PAY HORNER SCHIFRIN $16,200.00 INVOICE 74086 was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye. This fee is to be paid once the grant money is received.
Engineer Howell also presented future project options to the Board for planning. There are six projects and he explained each. He listed the projects in the order of priority.
Funding for each of these can be requested at such time as the Board decides to move forward. He noted that Horner Schifrin will need an answer by April 2025 as to which projects to proceed forward with.
B. 2025 Meeting Schedule:
MOTION TO ACCEPT 2025 MEETING SCHEDULE AS PRESENTED TO THE BOARD was made Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
C. License/Insured Contractors:
It appears that a customer in the District has opened a pit to work around a meter. The customer has been told to complete and to pay for the completion or the District will repair at the customer’s cost. Existing ordinances need to be reviewed to determine if amendment is needed to provide for license/insured contractors and work on meters.
City of Carbondale Water Supply
A. Office Manager Lintner reported to the Board that the master metering between the City and the District has been changed again. She believes that this new system will be more accurate.
The City of Carbondale had EPA violations on the treatment of the water. The District needs to publish a notice of the violations since it obtains its water from the City of Carbondale.
Monthly Staff and Board Group Reports
A. Office Manager Lintner Report:
Office Manager Lintner presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
The issue of customers that are owed money on their accounts and have left the district was discussed. Attorney Twomey informed the Board that in order to return the money the District needs to send notice out to the last known address of the customer. If no response within three years then the money goes to the Illinois Treasurer.
B. WSO Heidbreder Report:
Sage Lintner presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
C. Work Group 1 Ordinances:
Nothing to report.
D. Work Group 2 District Improvement:
The minutes from the meeting on December 6, 2024 were presented to the Board for review.
E. ROINC Report:
Sage presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
MOTION TO APPROVE MONTHLY STAFF AND BOARD GROUP REPORTS AND THE MINUTES OF THE DIG GROUP MEETING FROM DECEMBER 6, 2024 was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Monthly Treasurer/Accounting/Financial Reports
A. Treasurer Lintner presented a written Treasurer’s report to the Board and placed of record with the minutes.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MONTHLY TREASURER REPORT, ACCOUNTING, 125% REPORT, AND FINANCIAL REPORT was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Payment of Bills
A. Office Manager Lintner presented to the Board a list of bills to be paid. After examination and discussion, MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS was made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Heern. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Additional Trustee Comments or Questions
A. Chairman Hughey reported to the Board that the current investments as of December 11, 2024 are Treasury Bills in the amount of $247,079.66 plus cash in the amount of $1,138.38. Treasury Bills are currently invested at a rate of 4.32%.
B. The Board then discussed raises for both Sage and Alex. Office Manager Lintner left the meeting for this discussion.
It was noted that prior to discussion that Sage is pregnant.
Chairman Hughey informed the Board that Sage is not requesting a pay raise but would like some additional PTO as she will need 6 weeks leave for maternity purposes in 2025. During her time off the District will hire a part-time employee. In order to accommodate Sage her paid time off will have to be increased to 13 days plus an addition 3 weeks to cover the paid time off for maternity leave.
Water Operator Heidbreder will also be increased to 13 days PTO.
The Board discussed changing its policy to provide up to an additional 3 weeks of PTO for maternity/family related issues.
Board discussed raising Alex $1.00 per hour plus an additional 5 days paid time off. Alex’s rate per hour will now be $22.50.
Board discussed Christmas bonuses for each. The Board determined that a $400.00 Christmas bonus should be given to each employee.
MOTION TO APPROVE SAGE LINTNER INCREASE TO 13 DAYS PTO (PERMANENT) PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 3 WEEKS PTO FOR MATERNITY PURPOSES IN 2025 was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
MOTION TO AWARD ALEX HEIDBREDER AN ADDITIONAL 5 DAYS PTO AND INCREASE HIS HOURLY RATE $1.00 PER HOUR TO $22.50 was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
MOTION TO PAY EACH EMPLOYEE A $400.00 CHRISTMAS BONUS was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Executive Session
A. None.
Motion for Adjournment
MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING was made by Trustee Howell and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.