Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2025
The regular meeting of Buncombe Public Water District was called to order on February 12, 2025 at 6:07 p.m. at the District’s office located at 79 Wiley Ln, Makanda, Illinois.
Call to Order
Trustees Present: Hughey; Brewer; Dickson; Heern; Fiorino; Howell; Lamb (6:39)
Trustees Absent: None
Also Present: Richard Howell; Alex Heidbreder; Sage Lintner; and Michael R. Twomey.
Chairman Hughey conducted the meeting.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 11, 2024 was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 8, 2025 was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Howell. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Visitor, Customer, and Public Comments
A. Robbie Baker:
Mr. Baker did not appear at the meeting.
Old Business
A. Water Loss Credit Meter Number 4-4640 :
The original bill was $382.09, the adjusted bill is $162.86 with allowing a credit of $219.23 for a break in the service line. The leak has been stopped and was to a personal residence. MOTION TO ALLOW A CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $219.23 ON THIS METER was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Howell. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye, except Trustee Dickson who abstained.
B. Ordinance Revision:
Attorney Twomey reported to the Board that he has reviewed and he has minor
changes that he would like to discuss with Sage and complete this coming Friday. MOTION TO ACCEPT REVISED ORDINANCES AS FINALIZED BY SAGE LINTER AND ATTORNEY TWOMEY was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
C. ECWAG Progress Report:
Richard Howell reported to the Board concerning the status of the ECWAG grant. He presented the contract documents to the District for signature. The beginning date for replacement of the line should be begin around April 1, 2025. MOTION TO SIGN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS PRESENTED BY THE ENGINEER was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Heern. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Engineer Howell presented a pay request in the amount of $7,949.03 for engineering work. MOTION TO PAY HORNER SHIFRIN THE AMOUNT OF $7,947.03 was made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Engineer Howell also informed the Board that he would need a decision by April for the next grant/funding cycles as to the proposed improvements as delivered at the February meeting.
New Business
A. Candice Kirby:
Candice Kirby had questioned the District whether or not she could use her own contractor for the work on the District lines. Sage informed her no, Board concurs.
B. Protek:
Sage reported to the Board that the improvements on top of the tower placed there by Protek are in fact not being removed and will be staying on the tower. The existing contract needs to be reviewed as the current contract expires May 2025.
City of Carbondale Water Supply
A. New rates for the City of Carbondale will begin in May of 2025. At such point as the District receives the increase from the City of Carbondale the Trustees will consider raising rates. No Board action taken.
Monthly Staff and Board Group Reports
A. Office Manager Lintner Report:
Office Manager Lintner presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
B. WSO Heidbreder Report:
Alex Heidbreder presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
C. Work Group 1 Ordinances:
No meeting has been held.
D. Work Group 2 District Improvement:
Next meeting scheduled for March 7, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
E. ROINC Report:
Sage presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
MOTION TO APPROVE MONTHLY STAFF AND BOARD GROUP REPORTS was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Monthly Treasurer/Accounting/Financial Reports
A. Treasurer Lintner presented a written Treasurer’s report to the Board and placed of record with the minutes. No 125% was presented to the Board.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MONTHLY TREASURER REPORT, ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORT was made by Trustee Fiorino and seconded by Trustee Brewer. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Payment of Bills
A. Office Manager Lintner presented to the Board a list of bills to be paid and are of record with the District. After examination and discussion, MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS was made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Heern. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Additional Trustee Comments or Questions
A. None
Executive Session
A. None.
Motion for Adjournment
MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.