Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2022
Chairman Bob Hughey called the meeting to order at 7:00pm at the Makanda Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Makanda. A roll call was taken.
Board Members present were Chairman Bob Hughey, Vice Chairman Kim Cole, and Trustees Grace Brewer, Pat Brierton, Joseph Burrow, John Dickson, and Paul Heern.
The Treasurer, Mr. Mike Williamsen was present. The professionals present at the meeting were Mr. Mike Twomey, Legal Counsel and Joe Boyke, Engineer. Water Operators present were Mr. Kenny Cowan. Water operator Bill Daily was absent. Visitors present: Mrs. Lucille Burrow and Greg Dunn.
The District Secretary/Office Manager/ Meter reader, Mrs. Karen Dunn was present.
The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 15, 2022, regular meeting. A motion was made by Trustee Brewer to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Trustee Burrows and with a roll call vote of (6) yay votes and (0) nay votes.; the minutes were approved.
An IEPA Project update was given. The new pipe is here on-site and being fused. The work on post office hill is scheduled to begin in the next 2 weeks by Scott Escue Construction, Inc.
An IEPA email dated 12/27/2021 indicates the contract with Scott Escue ended. A change order to extend the end-date of Escue Construction contract to 5/16/2022 will be sent. Trustee Brierton made a motion to approve this change order, Trustee Brewer seconded the motion and a voice vote of all in favor say yay and all against say nay was taken. The motion passed and a change of contract end-date will be done with the IEPA. Update: 3/18/2022 a letter from the IEPA has been received with the approval for the new end-day.
Chairman Hughey discussed “contingency money that could be remaining for extras in the amount of approximately $7500. No action taken.
Office Manager Dunn described a letter that was received by our IPMG and ICRMT insurance carrier that stated we need a new agent. Mike Williamsen provided the Board with the needed input into an agent we could contact to serve us in this capacity at First Mid Bank. His name is Thomas Couch. Mike will set this up and inform the Board at the next regular meeting. Later Thomas Crouch reported that 1st Mid Bank had been awarded the IPMG and ICRMT insurance contract and that 1st Mid Bank would be able to quote this coverage for our 2023 needs
Chairman Hughey explained several construction projects underway or completed recently:
- Brian Bush will repair a South Highway WD line that is exposed and leaking. He will cover our line as well while he is there.
- Brian Bush repaired 2 water main breaks. These were fixed on Potters Road and Church Street. Boil orders were in effect, samples taken were satisfactory and boil orders were lifted in a timely manner.
Vice-Chairman Cole reported on the 2021 Special Board workgroup assigned to update our ordinances. She explained that the ordinances for this district have been all reviewed, organized, and created a list by number and title. The Board received the list in January. Mike Twomey has given guidance to the workgroup on how to proceed previously in October 2021. No further work has been done, yet. An update on the workgroup will be given at each regular Board meeting until this project is complete
Chairman Hughey discussed extension valves. Several the valves have not been inspected or used in years. We will need to dig them up and install valve extension appetences
Chairman Hughey inquired about the inactive meter report. Office Manager Dunn was once again asked to supply the board with a list of low zero usage meters
Treasurer Williamsen provided a report on his discussion with his contact at First Mid, John Barnett with the refinancing of our loan. One possible scenario is paying 80k on the loan and this will result in a savings of 120k over the 15 year remaining term with a 10k refinance charge. Chairman Hughey asked about putting the 80k in a bond or CD to earn interest and asked what this scenario would gain the district. Treasurer Williamsen will get the Board the proposals for each and update this at the next regular Board meeting in April.
Water Operator Kenny Cowan presented the newly purchased Honda WX 10 Lightweight general-purpose pump and reported the 19-557 Magna-trak 102 magnetic locator has been ordered.
Water Operator Cowan discussed holes in meter lids for the radio read sensors on the leak detector meter pits. If we were to purchase pre-drilled lids the price will be approximately $80 each and we need 5-6 lids. And installing the radio reads in the lids. Water Operator Cowan later reported Midwest Meter would supply new lids for $20 each, with the 2-inch hole the price would be $28. Treasurer Dr. Williamsen later reported the A-1 auto body would drill 2-inch holes in existing lids for $18 – 20 each. Update will be given at the next regular board meeting in April.
Chairman Hughey asked for an update on getting a quote on a district truck that Treasurer Williamsen found. Treasurer Williamsen will report back to the Board on the price, year, operating cost estimates, gas/milage district savings benefit to obtain this truck.
Chairman Hughey explained that Chad with Badger was unable to attend tonight but will attend our next regular meeting in April to explain some details on software and radio readings on the leak detectors and answer questions on a new generation meter reading system utilizing cell phones to a laptop in a $10-$15,000 price range.
Chairman Hughey gave a generator maintenance and repair update and explained that Brad is preparing to begin work. Water Operator Billy will provide a full update at the April regular meeting.
There was discussion on the pumps and the missing check valve. The valve was never found by Water Operators Cowan or Daily (but it was ordered and was received) and will continue to look for it. No further action taken. Update 3/18/2022: The parts are found in a box laying on table beside the copy machine in the office. Water Operator Daily can install these and will discuss this further at the next regular Board meeting in April.
Treasurer Williamsen gave a report on financials from Hendricks Accounting.
District Secretary Dunn gave the District Secretary report on the bills to be paid and expenses for the month. A motion was made by Trustee Burrows to pay the bills. A second was made by Trustee Brierton. A roll call vote was taken and 6 ayes, and 0 nays was obtained, and motion passed to pay the bills.
Office manager Dunn provided a report to the Board about a customer with a balance due and delinquent in the amount of $2900 that has been continuing to accumulate since November 2021 with checks insufficient funds. There was discussion and a review will be done in the coming weeks to determine what further action will be needed to be taken by the BPWD with this customer. This will be discussed again at the next regular Board meeting in April.
Office manager Dunn reported that 2021 Sexual harassment Prevention training forms are missing from 2 Board professionals. MT and JB. A request will be sent to both individuals to provide proof of the training as required by Illinois statute.
ROINC Kimberly Cole provided a routine activity report for the month of February with all duties performed and all samples satisfactory (Routines) and DBP (THM and HAA) results were within normal ranges. The February IEPA Operational report will be submitted as soon as the telemetry readings are added. Update: The OP report has been submitted and received by the IEPA staff. The master meter readings are compared to the telemetry and are accurate.
Next, ROINC Cole described progress on the 4 violations that were given to BPWD at the Feb. 26, 2021, IEPA inspection.
- The cross-connection survey has not been done since 2011 but is required every (3) years. A letter and a cross connection survey was obtained from the IRWA website and was modified for BPWD from the IRWA website and was given to Office Manager Dunn to proceed immediately on mailing to all 400 customers and tracking any missing surveys to be returned by deadline of April 1, 2022. Mr. Cowan agreed to help ROINC Cole access each customer for risk of cross-connections before signing off each one. This violation can be considered in progress with estimated completion in April 2022 timeframe. The surveys are required every (3) years, therefore this should be assigned to the Office Manager future calendar to send out again to all customers in January 2025. An update will be given on this violation at the April regular Board meeting.
- The Nitrification Plan is considered resolved with monthly and bi-monthly testing being done by the Carbondale Central Laboratory.
- The Operational reports are now being submitted timely and this violation is completely resolved.
- Ten (10) missing operating permits that need to be submitted on BPWD projects dating back into the 1990’s. No progress was made on this violation in February. ROINC Cole is in contact with Kent Cook at the IEPA in Springfield; she has all the project files that were pulled and given to her by Office Manager Dunn; and she has the form to complete the paperwork. She was told by Kent Cook that any project done and missing an operating permit in the last 5 years that was not coliform sampled will have to be sampled now. The coliform report must be submitted with the operating permit paperwork. Further updates on these violations will be given by ROINC Cole going forward at every regular meeting to the Board until all these violations are completely resolved.
- The (8) recommendations will be added to the agenda to be discussed at the water loss workgroup and updated at the next regular April Board meeting.
Chairman Hughey presented a water leak listening device for discussion More information on this to be presented at a later board meeting
No new information related to Carbondale Water District was presented for discussion.
Mike Twomey brought up to the Board that we need to develop a strategic plan for Buncombe Water District. This should include planning for 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. It should be communicated to staff and should be task and goal focused. Chairman Hughey asked for volunteers to serve on a committee to develop this plan. He volunteered to chair this. Trustee John Dickson recommended for each Board member to send Chairman Hughey 5-10 items that needs to be included in the plan before the next Board meeting and a master list will be created for presentation.
Mike Twomey also updated the Board on the funds that were requested from Jackson County Board. He has not heard any updates, although Williamson County has awarded another water district funds from the same program recently. Hopefully, we will have an update at the next regular Board meeting in April.
No additional public comments or questions were submitted to the Board
Chairman Hughey asked if there was a need for an executive session this evening and there was none.
Trustee Brewer made a motion to adjourn and Trustee Brierton seconded the motion. All in favor by voice yays, and no nays, the motion carried to adjourn.