Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2023
The regular meeting of Buncombe Public Water District was called to order on November 8, 2023 at 6:04 p.m. at the District’s office located at 79 Wiley Ln, Makanda, Illinois.
Call to Order
Trustees Present: Hughey; Brewer; Dickson; Heern; Fiorino; Lamb Trustees Absent: None
Also Present: Richard Howell; Sage Lintner; Alex Heidbreder; and Michael R. Twomey.
Chairman Hughey conducted the meeting.
HELD OCTOBER 4, 2023 was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Visitor, Customer, and Public Comments
Old Business
- Alto Pass/Water Supply:
Richard Howell prepared for the Board and passed out to the Board a funding analysis and a map of the proposed project.
The cost for an Alto Pass customer to hook to Buncombe Public Water District would be in the range of $13.52 to $42.40 per month. This increase cost would be as a result of Buncombe upgrades to its water main.
He presented other options available for Alto Pass that may be quicker and less expensive.
Alto Pass is currently getting its water from the Village of Cobden.
Chairman Hughey and Trustee Dickson will meet with Alto Pass representative to discuss the options and the cost associated with signing with Buncombe Public Water District.
- New Board Member Training:
Trustee Lamb would like to do the new Board member training. An option available will be for November 27th and could ride with other Board members or Sage to see the District lines and improvements.
- Employee Handbook Revision 2.0:
Chairman Hughey and Sage have all the information. Sage and Trustee Fiorino will work together and report on changes at the December meeting.
- 5-Year Strategic Plan:
Trustee Heern will take charge. He currently has in his possession the August 2023 version for a beginning point and reference.
- Bush Construction:
Sage has received no updates from Brian Bush. She sent a letter to him informing him he is in default under the contract. She has received no response.
Chairman Hughey did have an impromptu meeting with Brian Bush to inform him the invoices were late and needed to be submitted more timely.
Mr. Bush presented $14,000.00 in invoices the Friday before the November meeting. $9,000.00 of this is for District work. The remaining balance is monies that will be reimbursed by customers. The current contract will expire in March 2024.
New Business
Sage noted that an agenda item for the December meeting will be the approval of the insurance contract and payment of the same.
City of Carbondale Water Supply
No report necessary.
Monthly Staff and Board Group Reports
- Office Manager Lintner Report:
Sage Lintner presented her written report to the Board. A few areas to note are as follows:
- 1,108,044 gallons of water were billed at a rate of$38,328.04.
- Water loss for the previous month was 38%. The total gallons not billed were 683,000. 458,000 of that was accounted for.
- Next meeting will be held December 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
- 2024 Budget was delivered to the Board for consideration. A vote on the Budget will be taken at the December meeting.
- WSO Heidbreder Report:
Mr. Heidbreder prepared and delivered to the Board a written report. A few areas to note are as follows:
- Heating and cooling for pump station #2 was discussed. The Board will need to vote on how to proceed at the December meeting.
- Gutters on the office. This will need to be voted on and discussed at the December meeting.
- Work Group 1 Ordinances: Nothing to report.
- Work Group 2 Water Loss: Group will meet in January 2024.
ROINC Report:
Sage presented the written ROINC report to the Board.
made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Monthly Accounting/Financial Report
- Sage Linter presented the written monthly accounting and financial report to the Board.
was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Payment of the Bills
A. A written list of bills was supplied to the Board for review.
BOARD was made by Trustee Brewer and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Additional Trustee Comments or Questions
Executive Session
Motion for Adjournment
MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Fiorino. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.