October 9, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of Buncombe Public Water District was called to order on October 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the District’s office located at 79 Wiley Ln, Makanda, Illinois.
Call to Order
Trustees Present: Hughey; Heern; Lamb; Howell
Trustees Absent: Brewer; Dickson; Fiorino
Also Present: Sage Lintner; Alex Heidbreder; Richard Howell; and Michael R. Twomey.
Chairman Hughey conducted the meeting.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Howell. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Visitor, Customer, and Public Comments
A. Jeff Rowan:
Jeff Rowan was on the agenda. Mr. Rowan did not attend the meeting.
Old Business
A. Apartments:
This situation concerns the ownership of apartments on Makanda Boardwalk. The owner of the property is renting out three apartments. There is one business and three apartments on one line. Options are 1) require separate meter, 2) install a larger meter, or 3) allow to remain the same. It was noted that EPA is not going to become involved in the decision made by the District Board. The ordinances do provide for separate meters.
After discussion it was determined that the owners should be invited to the November meeting and present a plan to bring the situation into compliance with District ordinances.
New Business
A. Insurance 2025:
The District will be using the same insurance company as last year. There was a requirement that notice had to be given to them more than 90 days prior to the expiration date. The expiration date has been noted for review next year in order to comply. The premium for insurance for 2025 will be presented at the November meeting.
B. Review of 2025 Budget:
The budget was handed out for review at the November meeting and approval at the December meeting.
C. Ordinances:
Sage has been reviewing the ordinances and presenting changes. She presented 2.3.2 and 2.6 for review with removal of 3.11. Board discussion held. No vote will be taken until such time as the complete packet of ordinance changes is presented.
D. New Meter Billing Start:
The existing ordinances state that once access is available to a meter then the billing starts and the customer is required to make payment whether or not water is accessed. Board agrees with ordinances.
Richard Howell informed the Board that the final plans and specs have been submitted and approved by Rural Development. He has the IDOT permit back also. The EPA permit is pending. He is going to advertise for bids and those will be presented at the December meeting. There are five easements that are needed. The project should be ready to close and begin construction before Spring 2025. No Board action necessary at this time.
City of Carbondale Water Supply
A. A public notice of violation was given because the City of Carbondale had a problem with its water treatment. This is not a Buncombe Public Water District issue. No Board action necessary.
Monthly Staff and Board Group Reports
A. Office Manager Lintner Report:
Office Manager Lintner presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
B. WSO Heidbreder Report:
WSO Heidbreder presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
MOTION TO PURCHASE EIGHT FIREPROOF FOUR DRAWER LOCKABLE FILE CABINETS FOR $800.00 PLUS PAY FOR ALEX HEIDBREDER TIME TO PICK UP IN ST. LOUIS AND ASSOCIATED COSTS was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Howell. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
C. Work Group 1 Ordinances:
See notes above. Ordinances will be reviewed again in December.
D. Work Group 2 District Improvement:
The DIG minutes from September 13, 2024 were presented to the Board for approval. MOTION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 MINUTES was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Lamb. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
The next DIG meeting will be held on December 6, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
E. ROINC Report:
Sage presented a written report to the Board and placed of record with the Minutes.
MOTION TO APPROVE MONTHLY STAFF AND BOARD GROUP REPORTS was made by Trustee Heern and seconded by Trustee Lamb. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Monthly Treasurer/Accounting/Financial Reports
A. A written Treasurer’s report was presented to the Board and placed of record with the minutes.
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MONTHLY TREASURER, ACCOUNTING, AND FINANCIAL REPORTS was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Howell. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Payment of Bills
A. Payment to Midwest Meter in the amount of $1,577.25 was removed from the proposed payments.
MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AS AMENDED was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Heern. On roll call vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye.
Additional Trustee Comments or Questions
A. None.
Executive Session
A. None.
Motion for Adjournment
MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING was made by Trustee Lamb and seconded by Trustee Howell. On voice vote, motion passed with all Trustees voting aye. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.